Training Station (2020 - present) is made in collaboration with Maroon Town community members, Owen Brooks, Warren Welsh, Tash Duhaney, Keen Coke, Teno Treleven, Ricardo Gordon, Jamesie Wright, Jagan Nugent, Delroy Sakes, Sutania Drummonds, and Gaye Anglin. Using traditional sustainable materials soil, grass and bamboo, the space has served as a community space and reforestation site. Endemic trees such as Blue Mahoe, Avocado, Cashew, Pimento, Cedar and Mahogany are planted and cared for in repopulation of deforested farmlands. The sculpture also functions as a site of preservation of ecologically sustainable crafts skills that still exist in the community. Training Station was made possible with the support of the Soros Arts Fellowship (Open Society Foundations, NY) as well as Paul and Donna Carroll.